Monday, February 4, 2013

The throne room

The throne with the rainbow around it
Emerald, Jasper, Sardine
green, red,
book sealed with seven seals - the human body. sealed means memory and energy coded into our biology
calf, beast/man, lion, eagle, - instincutal urges regulated by the brainstem, limbic and pituitary and pineal.
each has 6 wings and full of eyes
7 lamps burning before the throne - 7 churches, 7 cnadlesticks, 7 spiritual chakras
sea of glass looking like crystal
24 seated elders seated, in white, and crowned in gold - cranial nerves that come out of the brainstem. when the sensory system is turned inward we have esp. turn inward during deep meditation.
beasts are submissive to the one on the throne.

represents the anatomy during mystical states.
endocrine glands, SNS, on the backside sealed with seven seals.

door to heaven-reticular activating system-the gatekeeper, the doorman of consciousness.
are we awake or asleeep? the shift to altered states of consciousness, means it must be open to the unconcsious
limbic system-sea of glass. calm the seas.

redirect the sensory experience to attune the senses.
incense, candles, mandalas, bells,